Website creation is a multistage and multifaceted process. In the process of work on the production site involve specialists in different areas, each of which contributes to a particular stage of development. To create a quality site should be clearly adhere to the technology of development and not to prevent any failure to perform certain steps.
But, unfortunately, no one ruled out the emergence of a situation where the customer is subject to limited resources and can not finance their new project in full. And, nevertheless, the creation of a site customer at the moment it is extremely necessary. In this case, we have to reduce the amount of work to the minimum necessary, which can be funded at the present time. In this case, implemented only those stages of development, without which the creation of a site at all impossible. In extreme cases, these stages are carried out in minimum volumes. Read here how to login Kroger credit card.
Consider this option based on the scheme of the process and stages of creating the site.
1. Setting the main task. Development of a business concept of the future resource.
2. The analysis and thorough research of the theme.
To minimize costs in the first and second stages of creating the site, the customer can do it on their own, involving the performer only for minor consultations.
3. Determination of the type, concept and structure of the site. Development of technical specifications (TK). This phase of the site creation without a doubt should be implemented by the performer, as it depends on the entire structure and functionality of the future site. But this stage takes a small fraction of the total project budget and therefore will not have a significant impact on increasing the cost. At this stage, you need to think about the structure and functionality of the site in accordance with the current funding.
4. Making of design layout. Is a mandatory step in the manufacture of the site. Minimizing the cost is possible by creating a template design or individual without complex graphic or flash solutions. Here we should stick to the principle that the easier, the cheaper.
5. HTML – layout. Mandatory stage of manufacturing the site. Minimizing the cost of work is almost impossible, since the design, structure and functionality are already defined and the layout should implement them.
6. Programming, installation on CMS (content management system). Programming of individual elements is a mandatory process. Using the CMS is not mandatory. But this issue depends on the purpose of the site. If you plan to frequently update the content, it is desirable to use the CMS. Otherwise, for the process of updating the content each time will be necessary to refer to specialists or to enter the position of programmer in the staff. If, however, updates will be quite rare, you can not use a CMS. Read more here.
7. Filling the site with content. Materials for filling the site can be fully prepared by the customer. But the performer must necessarily take on the task of optimizing the texts for search engines, as this issue is very important in the future life of the site.
8. Testing of the site. This is mandatory stage. It is completely done by the performer. The specific weight of this stage in the structure of the cost of the project is small.
9. Publication of the site on the Internet. This phase to minimize costs may be fully performed by the customer. It is still desirable that these works be performed by the performer due to some nuances of the choice of hosting sites and placing site files on them. This step also has little effect on the overall cost of the project.
10. Promotion of the site. This is an obligatory stage of site development. Failure to do this point negates all work on the creation of the site, as a site without visitors makes no sense. Costs can be minimized by the fact that the site promotion will be done only on some aspects. But the basic steps to promote and optimize the site should be carried out without fail. Remaining work on the site promotion will need to fund further at the first opportunity.